Our Services
From your initial call
We strive to exceed your expectations, helping your child achieve beyond the barriers often faced in best outcomes for children with communication challenges and other disabilities.
Typical “educational model” or “medical model” therapy providers are limited by the constraints of their setting. School-based therapy must address only those aspects of impairment which have an impact on school function. In medical settings, care must be deemed “medically necessary,” often by third parties who know little about your child’s specific needs. Care is often limited to short-term episodes which aren’t ideal for your child’s overall progress toward important life skills.
Our priority is your child’s optimal progress across all settings, toward the goals that matter most to you
We strive to exceed your expectations, helping your child achieve beyond the barriers often faced in best outcomes for children with communication challenges and other disabilities.
Typical “educational model” or “medical model” therapy providers are limited by the constraints of their setting. School-based therapy must address only those aspects of impairment which have an impact on school function. In medical settings, care must be deemed “medically necessary,” often by third parties who know little about your child’s specific needs. Care is often limited to short-term episodes which aren’t ideal for your child’s overall progress toward important life skills.
Can Do Kids Therapy Services is a privately owned and operated provider of superior therapy services. Working directly with patients and families, we can effectively address all aspects of your child’s needs, including:
Educational concerns
Medical impact
Family education
Community integration
Can Do Kids Therapy Services is set apart by:
Strengths-based treatment planning
Clear communication about all aspects of your child’s care
Positive, achievement-oriented view of every child and family
Child-centered treatment activities and special events
Individualized family education and support
Our Process
Contact Us
Call us to schedule a time to discuss your concerns
Tell us what you or your child needs to feel comfortable
Schedule a time for your first appointment
Before your appointment, we will carefully consider what tools and activities to use
Initial session is used to assess strengths and needs
Emphasis on communication and related skills, and how you or your child learns
Together we explore what you or your child does well, and what needs support
Discuss findings and create a treatment plan that considers your individual needs and situation
Focus on rapport and positive interactions
Activities designed to integrate FUN with the best interventions, for maximum progress
Authentic tasks foster generalization and carryover of new skills
Caregivers are full partners; education and empowerment are critical components of therapy
Regular conversations about gains made and ongoing needs
Regular review of treatment plan and revise when appropriate
Recognize hard work and celebrate accomplishments!